Application for coverage of the South Eastern Pipeline System (Draft recommendation)

The Council has determined that the South Eastern Pipeline System is a transmission pipeline. The relevant Minister is therefore the South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy the Hon. Tom Koutsantonis MP.

Having considered the submissions and the application, the Council proposes to recommend to the relevant Minister that he decide not to cover the SEPS. The Council's preliminary view is that criteria (a) and (d) are not met.

The Council's draft recommendation (including the pipeline classification and light regulation decisions) is available for download below.

Interested parties are invited to make written submissions on the draft recommendation before 5:00pm on Thursday 14 March 2013.

Submissions, including a completed cover sheet, should be emailed to the Council at (in both MS Word and PDF formats). A hard copy should be sent to:

South Eastern Pipeline System
National Competition Council
GPO Box 250


Draft Recommendation, 20 February 2013 (PDF, 1.1MB)