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Application for coverage of the South Eastern Pipeline System
On 28 November 2012, the Council received an application under the National Gas Law (NGL) from Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Limited (KCA) for coverage of the South Eastern Pipeline System. The pipeline system is located in the lower south east of South Australia and transports gas from Katnook along one pipeline to Safries and along another pipeline system from Katnook to Glencoe, Mt Gambier, Kalangadoo and Snuggery.
After receiving the application, the Council wrote to KCA on 29 November 2012 to request further information on the application to be provided by 7 January 2013. The response provided by KCA on 7 January 2013 is available for download under the 'Application' tab. KCA's letter of application and the public version of the application (excluding material identified as confidential by the applicant), KCA's further information of 7 January 2013 as well as the Council's letter of 29 November 2012 to KCA are available for download under the Application tab.
The Council invited written submissions on the application and 7 January further information. All of the submissions on the application received by the close of submissions on29 January 2013 are available under the ‘Submissions on application' tab.
APA Group, the owner/operator of SEPS at the time of the application (the SEPS was acquired by QIC Global Infrastructure on 1 May 2013), had earlier provided a submission comprising background information to assist in the assessment of the application. This information, which does not seek to address the coverage criteria, is also available under the ‘Submissions on application' tab.
The Council published its draft recommendation on 20 February 2013 and invited interested parties to make submissions. The Council's preliminary view was that criteria (a) and (d) were not met and its draft recommendation was that the relevant Minister decide not to cover the SEPS.
The Council also decided that the SEPS is a transmission pipeline and not a cross-border pipeline. The relevant Minister is therefore the Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy.
The Council received five submissions in response to the draft recommendation and a letter from Beach Energy, all of which can be downloaded under the 'Submissions on draft recommendation' tab. .
On 8 April 2013 the Council sent its final recommendation to Minister Koutsantonis. The Council recommended that the Minister decide not to make a coverage determination in relation to the SEPS. The Council considers that pipeline coverage criteria (a) and (d) are not satisfied.
On 17 October 2013 the Council received Minister Koutsantonis's decision and reasons. The Minister decided not to make a coverage determination. Three submissions were made directly to the Minister after the Council made its final recommendation. These submission are available for download under the 'Final recommendations and decision' tab.