Application for a 15 year no-coverage determination for proposed QCLNG Pipeline (Outcome & subsequent events)

On 15 June 2010 the Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon Martin Ferguson, granted a 15 year no-coverage determination for the QCLNG pipeline.  His determination and statement of reasons are available for download below.

On 12 June 2014 QCLNG Pipeline Pty Ltd advised the Council that the QCLNG Pipeline had been commissioned for the purpose of s 158 of the NGL on 3 April 2014. On this basis the 15 year no-coverage determination in respect of that pipeline will  expire on 3 April 2029.


Minister's determination (PDF, 111KB)

Minister's statement of reasons (PDF, 786KB)

Advise from QCLNG Pipeline Pty Ltd (PDF, 5.45MB)