Application for a 15 year no-coverage determination for proposed QCLNG Pipeline (Application)

On Tuesday 19 January 2010 the Council received an application under the National Gas Law (NGL) from QCLNG Pipeline Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of BG Group / QGC Limited) for a 15 year no-coverage determination for the proposed "QCLNG Pipeline" in Queensland, running from the Surat Basin to Curtis Island. If granted, the effect of such a determination is to exempt the QCLNG Pipeline from coverage under the NGL for 15 years from its commissioning.

The public version of the application (excluding material identified as confidential by the applicant) is available below.

The Council will conduct public consultation on the application, and will consider written submissions on the application made by the closing date. The closing date for submissions is 5.00pm on Monday 15 February 2010.

If you intend to make a submission, or would otherwise like to be kept informed of developments with the application, please download and complete the Registration of Interest form below and email it to us as soon as possible at

The Council's guide to the National Gas Law is available for download on the Council's Guides and Templates page. The Council's guide to making a submission on no-coverage applications is available for download on the Policy notes page. Persons considering making a submission should refer to the NGL guide, in particular Part D Greenfields pipeline incentives, and to the guide to making a submission.

Submissions should be emailed in soft copy to the Council at the email address above (in both MS Word and PDF formats), with a hard copy sent to:

Greenfields applications
National Competition Council
Level 9, 128 Exhibition Street

After considering submissions on the application, the Council will publish a draft recommendation and provide an opportunity for submissions on the draft recommendation prior to making a final recommendation to the relevant Minister.


QGCLNG Pipeline - greenfield exemption application (public version), including Annexures 1-3 (PDF, 1.98MB)

Annexure 4: ACIL Tasman Report (public version) (PDF, 2.04MB)

Annexure 5: RLMS Report (public version) (PDF, 452KB)

Annexure 6: Frontier Economics Report (public version) (PDF, 434KB)

Annexure 7: OSD Report (PDF, 3.29MB)

Registration of interest (RTF, 314KB)